HPC Projects
Wash Bay
By Wendy McFarlane
Huge shout out to our 2022 Major sponsor "Heywood & District Community Bank@branch Bendigo Bank, who will be supporting all Heywood Pony Clubs competitions for 2022 and helping fund the fitting out of our event office area.
Bendigo Bank have been supporting our club for a few years now, not just in our annual events but recently helping complete our horse wash bay (as pictured), and previously a club laptop.
The whole community of Heywood and District Pony Club send our sincere thank you and extend our appreciation to the Heywood Bendigo Community Bank, staff and Jennifer Todd, who personally attends our events and helps in many, many ways.
Support our great Bank, as they support us.
Horse yards
Committee. Applied by Wendy
Great write up in today's Portland Observer - thank you to Pacific Hydro for the approved grant of $9680 for our club to install 10 new horse yards. Awesome for our club.
Update: Currently waiting on builder of steel yards.
New sign
Jo Moriarty by Port of Portland:
Next time you venture past the Heywood Sports Park, you will notice Heywood Pony Club’s new front entrance sign. The club was able to replace the old sign with funds received through the Port of Portland Community Sponsorship Program.
Port of Portland Financial Controller Teresa Paris attended the clubs Christmas Rally on Sunday 5 December 2021 where she unveiled the new sign. Designed by PC committee members and Portland Signworks, the sign was erected in late November in time for the final rally of the year. Congratulations to everyone involved, the sign looks fabulous!
Photos supplied by Kimberley Shand and Heywood Pony Club.
#portofportland3305 #heywoodponyclub #communitysponsorshipprogram #localcommunity #portlandsignworks
Ready 2 Ride -Tiny tot
Jodie Maybery
Glenelg Shire Council......Our kids say THANK YOU
The Ready2ride-tiny tot program was successful in the recent community grant program. The funds will help us purchase equipment and resources to our club.
Digby Mitchell and Wally Troeth (Danika Troeth) collected the cheque on behalf the club. #hpcponyclub #GSC #ponyclubvictoria #ready2ride